Baby crawling development method


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Not nearly all babies begin to crawl as fast as their parents would like. Nevertheless, with the help of one simple device, your baby will learn to crawl earlier than his peers, which means he will begin to develop more dynamically for his age.


Crawling track

This is the so-called crawling track. In fact, the device is a "chute" with fenced sides, along which the baby learns to crawl forward without deviating to the sides or moving in a circle. This design leads the baby the direction, saves his strength and controls movement. In addition, the track helps protect the child from drafts and collisions with furniture or animals, especially if the structure is installed on the floor.


The benefits of a crawling track

The advantage of this track is that it can be easily carried from place to place and even transported in a car over long distances. Whichever trip you plan, you will always have a comfortable and compact track for crawling and developing your child's primary motor skills.


Crawling track design features

The ideal width of the "chute" is about 34-37 centimeters, and the height of the sides is about 14-16 centimeters. The track consists of three elements that are attached to each other at an angle of 90 degrees - in the form of the "П". The frame is upholstered with foam rubber, and a cover made of easily washable material is glued on top. Thanks to the smooth surface, the baby does not experience resistance when crawling, which allows you to speed up the process of mastering this skill.


How to teach your child to crawl on the track even faster

Calculations show that thanks to the use of the track, newborn children increase their personal best in movement by 30 centimeters every day. However, if the parents have a desire to increase this distance, they can resort to a simple but effective trick, known since the late 40s. By tilting the track a little, and the force of gravity will help the baby to overcome the first centimeters more easily.


Experts recommend leaving the track at a slight incline until the baby learns to crawl independently and confidently on the floor. The main thing is to choose such an angle of inclination which will not allow the baby to simply slide down, will not frighten him, but will only slightly push him to move forward under the heaviness of his own weight and under the influence of the force of gravity.


Crawling track: waiting for the baby

And finally: as a rule, after the birth of a child, parents do not have much time for extrahassle. That is why it is best to take care of ordering a track in advance - even at the stage of waiting for the baby. You may decide to buy only one track. Or maybe you will be so carried away by the idea that you will order a whole "track". You can connect multiple tracks to lengthen the path. Be that as it may, thanks to such a simple and mobile design, your baby will learn to crawl much faster than his peers, and his development will begin earlier and become more efficient.




How to order a crawling track


Making your own crawling track takes time, tools and special skills. You do not have to worry about this, because you can order a ready-made crawling track from our company. Or purchase from one of our partners. We guarantee high quality materials and workmanship, as well as thoughtful design. All materials used in our track have been quality tested. It is based on wood. The surface is covered with a modern and safe material similar to eco-leather, but with improved properties, developed in Sweden for use in medicine. This material can be disinfected with alcohol-containing agents without affecting itslifespan. Also, the material has a Ecotech certificate of environmental friendliness. The material is soft and pleasant to the touch. Your baby will be pleased to make his first movements on it.

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