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  • €100.00 - €111.00



BLUNT Umbrellas

Technological umbrellas BLUNT

The BLUNT Umbrellas team hates the idea of ​​umbrellas taking center stage in disposable culture. Their goal is to change consumer attitudes towards built-in obsolescence and low quality umbrellas. BLUNT umbrellas are the result of a fusion of truly revolutionary design, the value of quality craftsmanship and a careful selection of materials. Pair that with the mad scientist's testing mode. The BLUNT team has created an umbrella that they are very proud of.

Roughly speaking, the design of the BLUNT umbrella is the most impressive step forward in a century or more in the manufacture of umbrellas in general. These are perhaps the best umbrellas in the world, created in New Zealand.

Blunt umbrellas are sold in the online store

BLUNT Umbrellas

There is 1 product.

Showing 1-1 of 1 item(s)

Active filters

  • Color: Black
  • Model: Exec
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              <p>Blunt umbrellas are sold in the online store</p>
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                    <p><strong>Big umbrella BLUNT ™ Exec (XL)</strong></p>\n
                    <p>An umbrella that gives a new concept of productivity of a large umbrella.</p>\n
                    <p>Blunt ™ Exec XL is our largest street umbrella. Take it with you in adventure outside the city, to your favorite places.</p>\n
                    <p>Additional coating guarantees that you and your friends will have a good time regardless of the weather.</p>\n
                    <li>Diameter: 137 cm/54 inches</li>\n
                    <li>Expired length: 93.5 cm/37 inches</li>\n
                    <li>Weight: 850 g / 1.87 pound</li>\n
                    <li>Type: full length umbrella </li>\n
                    <li>Material: polyester</li>\n
                    <p><strong>Built in conscience</strong></p>\n
                    <p>The resistance of the precipitation is part of our work, and this is reflected in everything that we do from our umbrellas to the packaging. Blunt umbrellas are designed for a long service life.</p>\n
                    <p><strong>Checked to the limit</strong></p>\n
                    <p>Our aerodynamic dome will protect you, as Blunt’s umbrellas were tested in an aerodynamic pipe to a hurricane category 1 (71 miles per hour)*.</p>\n
                    <p><strong>Made using innovation</strong></p>\n
                    <p>The patented Blunt tips open as miniature umbrellas, inside the pockets on the edge of the dome, performing many functions, giving the Blunt an excellent characteristics.</p>
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              "required" => false
              "xlink_resource" => "customizations"
            "quantity" => array:1 [
              "required" => true
    #configuration: Configuration {#119
      -shop: null
      #parameters: null
    #addressFactory: AddressFactory {#116}
    #shouldSplitGiftProductsQuantity: false
    #shouldExcludeGiftsDiscount: false
    +id_shop_list: []
    #get_shop_from_context: true
    #table: "cart"
    #identifier: "id_cart"
    #fieldsRequired: array:2 [
      0 => "id_currency"
      1 => "id_lang"
    #fieldsSize: array:1 [
      "secure_key" => 32
    #fieldsValidate: array:16 [
      "id_shop_group" => "isUnsignedId"
      "id_shop" => "isUnsignedId"
      "id_address_delivery" => "isUnsignedId"
      "id_address_invoice" => "isUnsignedId"
      "id_carrier" => "isUnsignedId"
      "id_currency" => "isUnsignedId"
      "id_customer" => "isUnsignedId"
      "id_guest" => "isUnsignedId"
      "id_lang" => "isUnsignedId"
      "recyclable" => "isBool"
      "gift" => "isBool"
      "gift_message" => "isMessage"
      "mobile_theme" => "isBool"
      "allow_seperated_package" => "isBool"
      "date_add" => "isDate"
      "date_upd" => "isDate"
    #fieldsRequiredLang: []
    #fieldsSizeLang: []
    #fieldsValidateLang: []
    #tables: []
    #image_dir: null
    #image_format: "jpg"
    #translator: null
    #def: array:4 [
      "table" => "cart"
      "primary" => "id_cart"
      "fields" => array:18 [
        "id_shop_group" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
        "id_shop" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
        "id_address_delivery" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
        "id_address_invoice" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
        "id_carrier" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
        "id_currency" => array:3 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
          "required" => true
        "id_customer" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
        "id_guest" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
        "id_lang" => array:3 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
          "required" => true
        "recyclable" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "gift" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "gift_message" => array:2 [
          "type" => 3
          "validate" => "isMessage"
        "mobile_theme" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "delivery_option" => array:1 [
          "type" => 3
        "secure_key" => array:2 [
          "type" => 3
          "size" => 32
        "allow_seperated_package" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "date_add" => array:2 [
          "type" => 5
          "validate" => "isDate"
        "date_upd" => array:2 [
          "type" => 5
          "validate" => "isDate"
      "classname" => "Cart"
    #update_fields: null
    +force_id: false
  "altern" => 1